Recreation Independence Skills Exploration
RTC's Transition Program
RISE is a partnership between the Logan County Board of DD and RTC Services.
What is the eligibility process and what services are available through RISE?
Any individual who is eligible for services through the Logan County Board of DD and is aged 14-25 is eligible for Transition Services through the RISE Club. If you or your child is interested in services through the RISE Club, please contact Kylee Purtee at 937-651-6304 or by email at You may also speak with your SSA at the Logan County Board of DD about becoming involved with RISE.
Services available vary depending on if the individual is still in high school or if they have graduated.
Students in High School: Teen Recreation, Life Skills Classes, and Career Exploration are available. As well as monthly visits from the Transition Specialist at school to continue building on job, social, and life skills.
Individuals who have graduated: Networking opportunities to help build social skills, develop friendships and peer supports, career exploration, volunteering, and additional supports that will help move towards the most independent life.
Serving the students of Logan County since Oct. 2017
RTC Services
Logan County Board of DD
Bellefontaine City Schools
Benjamin Logan Local Schools
Indian Lake Local Schools
Mac-A-Cheek Learning Center
Ohio Hi-Point Career Center
Riverside Local Schools
West Liberty-Salem
Mike at Marmon Valley
Teen Recreation activities are available for teens starting at age 14 and until they graduate high school. These activities provide the teens with opportunities to utilize their social skills in their community.
Members learning Teamwork
Through a series of classes students learn various life skills that will help them become closer to independence. Life skills classes include, but not limited to, money & budgeting, shopping wisely, cooking, cleaning, relationships, dating, hygiene, navigating the community, pre-driver’s ed., and any others that the students and their families feel are needed.
Trevor volunteering at the Library
With the RISE program, individuals are able to continue exploring various career interests and potential volunteering experiences. Through career interest inventories, conversations,, and on site tours and job shadowing students can experience and explore various job opportunities that are of interest to them with the Transition Specialist assisting them along the way.